Lemon Eclairs

This recipe makes 28  ~13*2.5cm eclairs.
The choux dough can be piped into eclairs, frozen and then baked straight from the freezer, however the time needed for baking will increase. The baked eclair shells can also be frozen in an airtight container. When you want to use them, pop them in a 100C oven for 12-15 minutes until they are fully defrosted a crispy.


Pate a Choux:

  • 181g water
  • 158g milk
  • 169g butter
  • 169g flour
  • 10g sugar
  • 2g salt
  • 308g egg melange

Lemon Gel:

  • 50g lemon juice
  • 25g water
  • 1g 900 agar agar
  • 15g sugar
  • supremes of one lime
  • zest of 1 lime

Whipped Lemon Ganache:

  • 4g 220 Bloom gelatin
  • 250g heavy cream(1)
  • 250g heavy cream(2)
  • 120g 28-34% white chocolate
  • zest of two lemons


  • 85g granulated sugar
  • 5g albumen*
  • 45g water
  • vanilla extract(optional)


Whipped Lemon Ganache:

1. Bloom gelatin in heavy cream(1).
2. Heat heavy cream(2) with lemon zest to a simmer.
3. Pour the hot heavy cream over the chocolate, blend with an immersion blender until fully combined.
4. With the immersion blender on low speed, slowly add in the heavy cream with the gelatin.
5. Cover, let chill in the fridge overnight.

Lemon Gel:

1. In a saucepan combine everything except lime supremes. Heat to a boil.
2. Cook for 2 minutes.
3. Take of the heat. Cool.
4. Blend the gelatinised mass to a smooth gel. Stir in lime supremes. 

Pate a Choux:

1. On medium heat in a saucepan bring water, milk, butter, salt and sugar to a boil.
2. Stir in flour. Continue cooking, constantly stirring until all the flour is incorporated and the dough leaves a skin on the bottom of the saucepan.
3. Transfer dough into a bowl of a stand mixer** with the paddle attachment. 
4. Set mixer to speed 2, continue mixing the dough until it cools to 65-70C.
5. Gradually add in egg melange, continue mixing until all the  all the egg is incorporated. Depending on the strength of your flour you may need to add more egg. The dough is at a correct consistency, if when you lift the paddle it makes a "V".
6.  Transfer the dough into a piping bag or a container with a lid and let it rest in the fridge for 2-12 hours. This relaxes the gluten, which prevents the eclairs from exploding while baking. 
7. Preheat oven to 160C convection.
8. Using a 1-1.5cm French Star piping tip*** pipe eclairs on to a sheet pan lined with parchment or baking mat. Make sure to leave enough space between them for the air to circulate.
9. Bake for 15 minutes, then change the oven from convection to Top/Bottom and bake for another 15 minutes.
10. Cool the eclairs, fill or freeze for later.


1. Add albumen to water, let sit for 5 minutes.
2. Add in all of the granulated sugar. 
3. Whip until stiff peaks. Fold in vanilla extract.


1. Cut a ~11*0.5cm strip at the top of the eclair. Ideally the cut out strip won't rip and you will be able to put it back after filling. However if it rips, it's still fine, because you will be piping the meringue on top anyway.
2. Whip the ganache to soft peaks and place in a piping bag.
3. Transfer lemon gel to piping bag.
4. Fill eclair shells almost fully with ganache, then add a thin strip of lemon gel. Place the cutout part of the eclair shell over the "hole".
5. Pipe meringue on top and torch.


*Albumen and water can be substituted with 50g of egg whites. However, then you will need to make an Italian or Swiss meringue.
**If you don't have a stand mixer, then place the dough into heatproof bowl and use a hand mixer instead. 
***French Star piping tip is used when making eclairs because it prevents rips and makes the eclairs a nice round shape. 
