Mojito Sorbet



  • 445g water
  • 240g lime juice
  • 112g sugar
  • 72g erythritol
  • 44g 33DE atomised glucose
  • 24g cold inulin
  • 24g rum
  • 12g fresh mint
  • 10g lime zest
  • 8g 12DE maltodextrin
  • 8g sorbet stabiliser


  1.  In a bowl whisk together erythritol, sugar, atomised glucose, inulin, maltodextrin and the stabiliser.
  2. Blend together water, lime zest, mint and lime juice. Heat it to 40C.
  3. Whisk in the sugars with the stabiliser.
  4. Stirring occasionally, cook to 85C. 
  5. Pour into container, cover.
  6.  Cool to 4C. Let stabilise for at least 8 hours in the fridge.
  7. Use an immersion blender to blend in rum.
  8. Churn. Freeze for at least 4 hours before serving.
