Raspberry Ruby Ice Cream



  • 208g water
  • 170g 2.8% milk
  • 139g raspberry puree(no sugar added)
  • 18g 33DE atomised glucose
  • 27g erythritol or dextrose
  • 5g ice cream stabiliser
  • 243g Ruby chocolate(Callebaut)
  • 35g lime juice


1. In a bowl whisk together erythritol, atomised glucose and stabiliser.
2. In a saucepan heat water, milk and raspberry puree to 40C.
3. Whisk in the sugars with the stabiliser.
4. Stirring occasionally, cook until 85C. 
5. Pour into container, add in chocolate and lime juice. Blend with an immersion blender until fully emulsified. 
6. Quickly cool to 4C. Let age for at least 8 hours in the fridge.
7. Take out of the fridge, give it a quick blend with an immersion blender. 
8. Churn. Freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
