Vegan Peach Ice Cream


Technically this is a sorbet, since it doesn't contain fat. However due to the addition of inulin, which acts as a fat replacer it has the texture and mouthfeel of ice cream, which is why I am calling it a vegan ice cream as opposed to a sorbet. 

This ice cream is scoopable straight from the freezer and can be made without an ice cream maker(but it will have an inferior texture). To make without churning, cool the base overnight in the fridge then freeze for 8-12 hours in closed container. 


  • 490g yellow peach puree*
  • 120g water
  • 58g erythritol
  • 46g dextrose
  • 39g sucrose
  • 14g inulin
  • 6g sorbet stabiliser


  1.  In a bowl whisk together erythritol, sugar, atomised glucose, inulin, maltodextrin and the stabiliser.
  2. Blend together water, lime zest, mint and lime juice. Heat it to 40C.
  3. Whisk in the sugars with the stabiliser.
  4. Stirring occasionally, cook to 85C. 
  5. Pour into container, cover.
  6. Cool to 4C. Let stabilise for at least 8 hours in the fridge.
  7. Use an immersion blender to blend in rum.
  8. Churn. Freeze for at least 4 hours before serving.
PAC: 235
POD: 106

*To make peach puree: 
1. If using ripe and aromatic peaches then peel the peaches and blend.
2. If the pears aren't aromatic then roast whole unpeeled peaches in a preheated to 180C oven for 30-40 minutes. Let cool slightly, peel and blend. 
