Kiwi Sorbet


This sorbet is scoopable straight from the freezer, it has a PAC 45 and POD 17. It is not sweet, it tastes exactly like a ripe kiwi. It will work well as part of a plated dessert that is based on white chocolate.


  • 155g kiwi puree(1)
  • 700g kiwi puree(2)
  • 90g erythritol
  • 58g dextrose
  • 20g cold inulin(oligosaccharide)
  • 7g sorbet stabiliser


  1. Whisk together sugars with the stabiliser. 
  2. Heat kiwi puree(1) to 35-40C, whisk in the sugars with stabilisers. 
  3. Heat to 50C*, until all the sugars dissolve.
  4. Pour over cool kiwi puree. Use an immersion blender to emulsify.
  5. Chill, churn.
  6. Freeze for at least 4 hours before serving. 
*You may need to heat it to a higher temp, depending on what temperature your stabiliser hydrates. 
