Medovik(Russian Honey Cake)


This cake has been my best seller for the last 2 years. This is not a classic soviet(GOST) recipe, I've modified this recipe to significantly decrease the sweetness and also added a can of dulce de leche to the filling. This recipe makes one 1.2kg medovik(honey cake) that has 9 layers. I use an 18cm cake ring to cut the layers before baking, after baking they shrink to 16.5cm. 


Cake Layers:

  • 75g 82% butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 40g honey
  • 100g white sugar
  • 1tsp baking soda
  • 300g flour
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 1/8tsp table salt


  • 600g 20% sour cream
  • 1 can(398g) dulce de leche/cooked condensed milk


Cake Layers:

  1. In a bowl whisk together baking soda with egg. 
  2. In a separate bowl whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.
  3. Meanwhile in a large saucepan heat butter, sugar and honey until the sugar dissolves
  4. Cool the sugar/butter mixture to 65-70C. Whisking vigorously stir in the egg melange. The mixture will start to foam. Take it off the heat.
  5. Add in half the flour, mix until no large clumps of flour remain. Add in the rest of the flour, mix the dough until no lumps remain.
  6. Transfer dough into a bowl/container and cover. 
  7. Place in the fridge to chill for at least 2 hours.
  8. When your dough has chilled, divide the dough into 9 equal pieces(use a scale).
  9. Roll each piece into a 2mm thickness(you should be able to see the parchment paper/baking mat through the rolled out dough). 
  10. Use an 18cm cake ring to cut the cake layers. Dock the dough. Don't remove the scraps(the pieces that are outside the circle that you cut out), they will be used to coat the outside of the cake.
  11. Bake at a preheated to 200C oven for 2-5 minutes*. The cake should look golden brown. It will be soft straight from the oven, but as it cools it will become hard.
  12. Grind(in a food processor/blender or with a rolling pin/mortar and pestle) the scraps. 


  1.  Whisk together cold sour cream with dulce de leche. Don't whip, just whisk it together. Excessive whipping will cause the filling to separate.
  2. Divide the filling into nine portions. Spread each portion in between the layers. The ninth portion will go on top of the last layer and the sides.**
  3.  Chill the cake for 2 hours. Cover with crumbs that you made in step 12.


* The time will vary greatly depending on the oven you use, while baking the first layer keep an eye on it and determine that correct time for you oven. It should take 2-15 minutes.

**I like to assemble and let my cake chill inside an adjustable cake ring, because the filling is very soft and it's very likely for the cake to end up crooked without the support of the cake ring.  
