Chocolate Cherry Cake

This recipe makes enough for a 16/18cm cake that weights ~1.5kg. 

The cherry filling, whipped ganache and the chocolate cake have to be made a day in advance, because they need to stabilise overnight. The ganache for frosting needs to be made about two hours before frosting the cake. 


Cherry Filling:

  • 300g pitted sour cherries(if using frozen, don't defrost beforehand)
  • 30g sugar
  • 4g powdered gelatine (220 Bloom)
  • 50g water

Whipped Coffee Ganache:

  • 250g heavy cream
  • 85g milk chocolate(32-35%)
  • 4g instant coffee powder/granules
  • 3g powdered gelatine (220 Bloom)
  • 20g water

Chocolate Cake:

  • 220g eggs(4 eggs)
  • 120g granulated sugar
  • 100g milk
  • 25g butter
  • 4g instant coffee
  • 135g ap flour
  • 30g alkalised cocoa powder
  • 21g cornstarch
  • 8g baking powder

 Ganache for Frosting:

  • 250g heavy cream
  • 40g butter(82%)
  • 2g instant coffee
  • 130g dark chocolate(70-75%)
  • 75g milk chocolate(33-34%)


Cherry Filling:

1. Bloom gelatine in water.
2. In a saucepan combine cherries with the sugar and heat until all the sugar dissolves. 
3. Take off the heat, stir in gelatine.
4. Pour into container, cover and let cool in the fridge overnight.

Whipped Coffee Ganache:

1. In a large mixing bowl(1-1.5l) bloom gelatine in water. Then add in chocolate.
2. Heat heavy cream with instant coffee until simmering.
3. Pour heavy cream over chocolate. 
4. Blend with an immersion blender until fully combined.
5. Cover and let chill in the fridge overnight.
6. When ready to assemble, whip the ganache until soft peaks. Make sure to not overwhip or you will end up with a separated ganache with chunks of butter. 

Chocolate Cake:

1. Into a bowl sieve together all the dry ingredients.
2. In a separate bowl whip eggs with sugar until thick, pale and ribbony. 
3. While the eggs are whipping, melt butter with milk until boiling. 
4. Using a rubber spatula fold in the dry into the whipped eggs. 
5. Then fold in the hot melted milk and butter.
6. Pour into ungreased cake ring/pan(It has to be at least 7cm in height, because this cake rises significantly).
7. Bake at a preheated to 180C oven for 30 minutes, then cover the top with foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes.
8. Take out of the oven, let cool for 15-20 minutes. Take it out of the cake ring, wrap in saran wrap and place in the fridge while it's still warm. 
9. Let the cake chill in the fridge overnight. 


1. Cut the cake into four cake layers. If you prefer a moister cake, then brush/soak them with coffee or milk.
2. Spread a thin layer of whipped ganache over each cake layer. Pipe a border with the whipped ganache. 
3. Use a spoon or a piping bag to spread cherry filling inside the border. If you plan on transporting the cake then add a dollop of whipped ganache on top of the cherry filling. This will give the cake layers something to grip on and prevent them from slipping during transportation.
4. Place cake in the fridge for 2 hours. At this stage you should make the ganache for frosting.
5. Take cake out of the fridge and cover with ganache.
6. Store in the fridge. Let sit at room temp(18-20C) for an hour before serving, so the ganache can come to room temperature and be soft for cutting and eating. 

Ganache for Frosting:

1. Heat heavy cream, instant coffee and butter to a simmer.
2. Pour over chocolate, emulsify with an immersion blender.
3. Cool, stirring occasionally, until desired thickness for frosting. 
